EU Study on Cross Border Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

Just recently, in December 2021, the EU Directorate-General for Interal Policies published an extensive Study on "Cross Border Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights". 

This excellent and over 100 page study aims to provide both an overview of the current state-of-play as well as a set of policy recommendations with respect to cross-border enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in the European Union (EU), with a particular emphasis on the enforcement of copyright and related rights in the online environment. The study utilises information drawn from a combination of legal texts, existing EU and Member States (MS) legislation, specialised literature and practical insights gathered from a range of legal experts and copyright stakeholders representing various cultural sectors, to evaluate currently available options for cross-border enforcement. 

The content in a nutshell:

1. The Legal Framework for Cross-Border IPR Infringements in the EU

2. The Online Environment and Cross-Border IPR Infringements: The Challenge of Copyright and Related Rights

3. The Status Quo of Online Enforcement Options in the EU: Voluntary, Administrative and Judicial Measures