2024 World IP Day - Building Our Common Future with Innovation and Creativity
Over the past 17 days, we posted a picture a day mentioning that #LexDellmeier supports #World IP Day. Well, today is the day! Implemented 24 years ago to promote and increase general understanding of #intellectual property (IP), World IP Day is dedicated to a different IP related theme each year and this year, it focuses on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – of which there are a total of 17, introduced to you over the past days.
(Source: #United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, https://sdgs.un.org/goals#icons)
Looking at the pictures we shared, you might have wondered what our intention was, what we were trying to say or if we were simply promoting certain organizations, institutions and companies. Well… it was all together. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are all unique but they all interact at the same time. And they all have a clear connection to #intellectual property.
For some Goals, like Goal No 9 “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure”, the connection is obvious. Innovation of any kind is strongly linked to patents and utility models and to protecting technical ideas as #intellectual property. For other Goals, like Goal No 1 “No Poverty”, the connection to #intellectual property is not as obvious, but it is still there.
At #LexDellmeier, we focus on non-technical IP and in particular trademarks clearly contribute to reaching the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We gave you examples for this in each of the 17 pictures posted over the past days. No matter if you are working for an international non-profit organization, for a research institute, for a big multinational player or for a small local company, your products and services and the reputation and goodwill associated with them are an important asset and build your company’s “trademarks”. Registered or not, strong names and trademarks raise the same expectations: reliability, consistency, prosperity, sustainability. Only if people can rely on your goods and services, they will come back buying your products, supporting your ideas, promoting your business. The organizations, institutions and companies in our 17 examples have built strong names and trademarks and they are associated worldwide with the expectations mentioned above.
Strong trademarks are needed to bring people together, to share common goals and to cooperate closely in reaching these goals. And if we all work together in building strong trademarks, we can all contribute to reaching the United Nations Sustainable Developments Goals. Together, we can make a difference! Let’s start today – on #World IP Day!
For further information on #World IP Day and the initiatives of #WIPO taken to enhance understanding on #intellectual property, you are welcome to visit https://www.wipo.int/web/ipday/2024-sdgs/index. More information on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, can be found at https://sdgs.un.org/goals#icons.
For comments of any kind, you are welcome to contact us by email at
or by phone at 089 55 879 870.