What is a Trademark?
January 15, 2011
15. Januar 2011 - 15:32
A trademark is a sign protected by law, serving to distinguish goods and services of one enterprise from those of another. Besides it implies the following functions of:
- origin
- communication
- guarantee
There are different types of trademarks:
- Expressions, letters or numbers (wordmark),
- A picture or logo (figurative mark), as well as the combination of words and pictures (word-design mark);
- A color or a combination of colors (color mark);
- Three-dimensional shapes (3-D-mark),
- Radio-jingles or a combination of a melody (sound mark);
- Slogans and even gestures (move mark)
- "Neuschwanstein" is not a trademark!
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- 15 Top Brands - Interactive Brand Rating - Years 2000 - 2018
- 2014: Statistics for Community Trademarks
- 27 June 2014: Munich Patent Law Conference – Burden of Pleading and Proof in Patent Infringement Cases
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- A new report on the economic impact of counterfeit trade published by OECD and EUIPO