UN Campaign against Counterfeiting launched
February 04, 2014
4. Februar 2014 - 9:37

informs consumers that by buying counterfeit goods organized criminal groups are funded and consumer health and safety risks are at stake. The unlawful trafficking and sale of counterfeit goods provides criminals with a significant source of income and facilitates the laundering of other illicit proceeds.As a crime which touches virtually everyone in one way or another, counterfeit goods pose a serious risk to consumer health and safety. With limited legal regulation and very little recourse, consumers are at risk from unsafe and ineffective products and faulty counterfeit goods can lead to injury and, in some cases, death. Tyres, brake pads and airbags, aeroplane parts, electrical consumer goods, baby formula and children’s toys are just some of the many different items which have been counterfeited.
For more information please see UNODOC's executive summary and focus sheet as well as the official video below.
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