German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO) - now member of the harmonized database for the classification of goods and services
November 12, 2013
12. November 2013 - 21:23
TMclass helps applicants to search for and classify goods and services (terms) needed to apply for trademark protection.
The German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO') is as of 12 November 2013 part of the Common Harmonized Database of goods and services for trademark classification. The GPTO is now offering German translations of Harmonized Database to their efiling users. This successful harmonization is the result of joint effort and collaborative work within the framework of the European Trade Mark and Design Network. The GPTO´s integration into the Harmonization Project for goods and services marks another step forward in improving predictability, which in turn benefits users. The Harmonized Database, with its new member, the GPTO, is also available through TMclass at: http://tmclass.tmdn.org

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